An early version of a fridgie magnet poem creator
Fantasy and Roleplaying
A short review of Legends of Future Past and links to a short story or two based there.
Check out Legends for yourself! One of the longest running online fantasy roleplaying games, Legends of Future Past is completely text-based. Come see how a talented staff of game masters and world builders can rock YOUR world!
Witchlet's Cauldron
Visit the official homepage of Legends of Future Past's diminutive gamemaster
Your Basic Vanilla Homepage
My first homepage.. a year old, and still unfinished *cough*
A year ago, I thought Java was coffee, Crescendo was a musical term and Adobe was something you built houses out of. Then I started building my first homepage -- and discovered a whole new world! Check out a few of my favorite learning spots!
- Paint Shop Pro
Okay, I know I said 'Adobe' up there, but this program is tough to beat! Take a look at what a few mouseclicks did with this picture:
- Crescendo
Adding music to your site is easier than you'd ever thought possible! Check out Crescendo's homepage for lots of links to cool sites, midi file archives and of course, the sites where you can download Crescendo!
- Webmonkey's Javascript Tutorials
Javascript to power up your homesite, add some cool effects, or just play around with! Webmonkey has some awesome pointers on doing everything!
- RealAudio
Another great way to add sound and video to your sites! The RealPlayer is FREE.
RealAudio boasts that they can turn your computer into your favorite entertainment center. Check it out and see why!